Welcome to the zone for health and harmony Mental World!

Health and harmony are the foundation of your life. Just as a house needs a solid foundation and built on sand will collapse very quickly, so your health and harmony built on rock will survive and let your inner strength guide you through life with power, energy and strength to realize your dreams.

You know that feeling when you are lacking, your health fails, and your loved ones completely don't understand you? Or maybe you have trouble sleeping, do you wake up at night and in the morning you're a wreck of a man? Or are you trying again lose weight, change your habits, and yet your life is still not what you want it to be? All this makes your confidence fall and you wonder what could/would do to increase it and finally live in line with yourself? 

Or are you trying to catch balance between the personal and professional area, but the day is still missing? tarnish? you? emotions you don't understand, you still live under stress, under pressure? time, in physical and mental discomfort? So you are looking for inner peace and you do not know how to achieve it? 

Or your relationship is a total flop, don't you feel loved/loved and understood/understood, do you blame yourself? for everything, you wonder what are you doing wrong? Or maybe you feel lonely/lonely, do not advise and need professional support? By? maybe you are wondering also where are you share your joy life and how find???

In a word, you feel that you are not using your full potential and you want more and more from life?

if? one of the above questions? sounded in your head then we have solutions for you in the form of meetings individual, team, workshops, trainings, online sessions, which, when you implement them, will allow you to you raise?? Your life to a higher level.

You will find us offers from areas:

Who are we and why us?

Mental World is a project in which you will find experts from many areas in one place, thanks to which you will be able to quickly choose? and implement what's up? is needed by you and your loved ones. ?We support by acting together. We connect by doing good.

Above all, however, we are a team of practitioners and specialists in their fields. They have been associated with a holistic approach to health and human needs for many years. Each of us has gone through personally expensive from the unconscious to the conscious, full of happiness and passion of life. We experienced changes, we built our self-esteem, we looked for optimal solutions. We are the creators of our reality.

Now, joining forces, we want to support you and your loved ones in action, so that every day she reached/reached for more, using her full potential, both her own and those around her? You.

Coaching - Budowanie pewno?ci siebie

Coaching - Building self-confidence

Offer, thanks to which you will get to know yourself, like yourself, name your strengths and strengths on the basis of which we will build Your? surely?? self-acceptance, self-esteem and you will take full responsibility?? behind the reins of your life.

?Jak zminimalizowa? swój stres?"

?How to minimize? your stress?"

We live in times where we are exposed to stress-inducing factors from everywhere. Stress is now the main reasons? diseases. It is like fuel for the hearth and lesions. Your thoughts today, your well-being create Your? really?? and come. Thanks to the course you will become more aware of your thoughts and emotions.

Trainers and experts

Business/Health and Harmony

Kamila Chowaniak-Wojcik

Certified Coach, Mental Trainer, Motivational Speaker

Entrepreneur with many years of experience. Passionate about personal development. She loves people, books and travelling.

do you specialize? In mental strength and change coaching.

Health and Harmony

Katarzyna Gromadzka

Certified PCC Coach, Mental Trainer and Motivational Speaker

I support women in building authentic courage to be themselves. in life and business, in strengthening self-confidence on the foundations of self-acceptance, self-esteem, as well as the art of assertive communication

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Health and Harmony/Business

Agata Solecka

Certified ICF Coach and Mentor

I support women who have been fulfilling their dreams for a long time. waiting for others, forgetting yourself and
want? will it change? I help them discover their needs and start express them effectively.

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Business/Health and Harmony

Agnieszka Ciesielska-Quesada

Educator, Certified Mental Trainer, Copywriter, Social Worker

do you specialize? in communication, self-confidence, motivation, the right to fail, ACoA, working with people working in corporations and looking for their competences

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Business/Health and Harmony

Anna Jaworska

Certified Mental Trainer, Business Trainer, Performance Trainer. public

Anna likes to inspire, loves to disenchant? stress related to public speaking and add fear in people. energy for action.

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Health and Harmony

Anna Goldman

Psychologist, Certified Mental Trainer

He runs his own practice? therapeutic. I work with people who want to raise their as?? of your life, wanting to improve traits of your character or looking for help in dealing with pressure? and stress.

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Business/Health and Harmony

Anna Maciaszczyk

Yoga Instructor, Certified Mental Trainer and Breath Trainer by. Buteyko methods

Anna helps open? you? to gain new perspectives? courage? to change? direction to find your? quarrel? expensive and under into the unknown in harmony with each other.

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Health and Harmony

Beata Matusiak

Educator, Kindergarten Teacher, Trainer

Beata is passionate about exploring relationships between people, as well as the impact of emotions on life, health and the level of happiness. Author of poems, fairy tales, songs for children. Co-author of guides for teachers. 

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Health and Harmony

Beata Paw?usiewicz

Manager, Mental Trainer, Traveler, Real Estate Agent

Teaching online how to earn? on real estate and personal branding. Helps women through mental training to go through transformation? and achieve success.

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Health and Harmony/Business

Dariusz Skrzyd?owski

Party and event organization expert. Motivational Speaker

At the age of 21 was born in him a dream to stay speak? motivational.

While his peers are doing well they played, he puts? first steps as a trainer in MLM.


Health and Harmony/Business

Dorota Malik-Ferfecka

Creator of Opportunities and Certified Mental Trainer

Dorota has been inspiring for a healthy and conscious life for years. It encourages changes that open the door of possibilities to realize dreams and goals. Motivates, supports and guides you step by step.

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Health and Harmony

Grazyna A. Adamska

Quantum Mentor, Promoter of Conscious Life and Energy Therapist

As a transformation coach, Grażyna is, among others, a certified practitioner of Theta Healing, Soul Body Fusion, Energy Matrix, Prosperity and an Akashic Chronicle consultant.

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Health and Harmony

Isabella Oostvogels

Certified Mental Trainer, Motivator, Inspirer

A woman who easily is adapting to changes, new conditions of living and being, and thus open and tolerant to other people, their differences? and worldview.


Health and Harmony

Jacek Lasyk

Mental Trainer, Mentor, Bodywork Trainer

A man of flesh and blood. He looks at man as a being multidimensional, consisting of you? among others from physicality,
mentality, emotionality and spirituality.

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Health and Harmony

Jolanta Goniak

Certified Mental Trainer, VCC Coach, Certified VCC Trainer, CreaTor for a happy life, CreaTor for gratitude.

What's up? works with women, children and youth, conducting individual sessions and
workshops. Interested in personal development? you? for over 13 years.

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Health and Harmony

Kamila Skrobek

Certified Trainer and Event Manager, NLP Practitioner, Wellbeing Supporter

Privately, a mother of three children. Is an example of the fact that you can go out of the biggest problems and meet dreams! Her motto is ?As long as you live it's good!?

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Business/Health and Harmony

Karin Lesiak

Trainer and teacher of Laughter Yoga

Since 2013, tRenerka and laughter yoga teacher. What had originally been her way of finding inner peace. joy?? happened mission?. Introduces yoga? laughter everywhere, where it is needed and where there are people interested in the method?


Health and Harmony

Catherine Stegenda

Certified Mental Trainer, Specialist in the Beauty industry, Promoter of Personal Development

Private likes? books, music, loves cats and humor of Andrzej Poniedzielski and late. Maria Czubaszek. Catherine is heading motto ?The key to freedom is the word NO?

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Business/Health and Harmony

Katarzyna Szymecka

Crisis Coach, Trainer, Speaker John C. Maxwell Team

Is it after? sixteen years of work in corporations, in financial institutions, as well as experienced crises. They will prompt to use their experience in helping others regain their lives.

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Health and Harmony/Education and Relaxation

Kinga Jamrozik

Certified Family Mental Trainer

Kinga loves laughter and fun. with children. her mission? ?life? is to remind myself and the world what unconditional love is? and carefree life.

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Business/Health and Harmony

Marcin Pawelec

TSR therapist, Trainer and Coach

 Several years of experience in working with clients from various industries. and spheres of life allows him to adjust knowledge to the participants and situations with which he is dealing. measure?.

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Health and Harmony/Sports

Micha? Zar?bski

Physiotherapist, Craniosacral Therapist, Speaker, Announcer, Founder Is Better

A man who wash? makes? with each? moments? people around him? It's just better. He claims that in life we encounter 3 types of pain: physical, emotional and spiritual.

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Health and Harmony

Monika Gałuszkiewicz

Trainer, Mentor, Psychologist and Clinical Sexologist and Entrepreneur

is the creator? social project I love Educate? - for parents who want will take care about education sexual their children, and at the same time build relationship with them? based? focus on love and trust.


Health and Harmony Interested in personal development? you? for over 13 years.

Olga Grzesiak

Certified Coach, Entrepreneur, Educator

Through life, Olga tries to and?? smile on his face because he believes that if he can't do anything, he can smile to yourself and to whom? It costs nothing and gives a lot.

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Health and Harmony

Piotr Kulpinski

Manual Therapy Expert and Mental Trainer

Piotr is characterized by cheerfulness, a sense of humor and the ability to listening. He quickly establishes close contact with the patient. Piotr is blind and thanks to his heightened senses he can better read the body and emotions.

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Health and Harmony/Sports

Reef? Matusiak

Certified Mental Trainer

He believes that our thoughts and words create our? reality, that's why it's worth returning comments? what we think about and what we say. So are the beliefs we have. Is it worth changing them? Because they have as? impact on our lives.

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Health and Harmony

Sandra King

Fitness and Pilates instructor, Mental Trainer, Author of the HolisticFIT Project

Love, freedom, authenticity, development and courage are the main life values that Sandra is guided by. what day?. He has been teaching fitness classes for ten years and pilates with elements of yoga for two years.

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Health and Harmony

Sandra Ratajczak Swede

Hypnotherapist, Mental Trainer, Crisis Consultant

Sandra is convinced that if you change your thoughts, habits and beliefs, you will really? fulfilled life. Thanks to the experiences of today is here and can help those who need it most.

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Business/Health and Harmony

Sergio S Dorje

Development mentor, therapist, specialist in recognizing sects and destructive groups, author of the book ?Secrets of Personal Development?

through your activities supports people on their way to a conscious life and creating their reality.

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Health and Harmony/Business

Sylwia Boczula

Entrepreneur, Educator, Trainer, Advisor and Mental Trainer

Passion, love, patience Pursuing goals are the greatest assets thanks to which he has been helping people on several levels for over twenty-five years: change of thinking, development, sales and health.


Business/Health and Harmony

Urszula Jowiak

Certified Mental Trainer, Project Manager, Management Manager, Hugging Specialist, Enthusiast and Counselor of living in harmony with yourself.

He conducts mental trainings for people who are on their way to achieving their own goals and dreams.

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Health and Harmony/Education and relaxation

Wieslawa Mazur

Therapist, Pedagogical Therapy Specialist, Certified Educational Kinesiology Trainer

In dealing with children, young people and adults apply the most effective techniques of working with human emotions and ways of thinking and behavior.

You don't know what exactly do you need?

Leave your details, so we will contact you with you and we will help you choose the right solution for you or your business.

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