Catherine Stegenda

She is a brand ambassador, certified Mental Trainer, specialist in in the beauty industry, promoter personal development, humanist loves to read

? I don't know where did you come from? assumes that a person strengthens himself by bouncing off from experience other? K. Kolberger

Catherine is mom? nine-year-old Leon, a graduate of history at the University of Szczecin, observer of the world and a lover of books. After years of working full-time, she decided to change to see what she likes. still waiting.

The beauty and wellness industry with which has been associated for several years, has shown her how great is the need for support, motivation, understanding and mental help. In this area, he develops his competences. Catherine doesn't want solutions in the field of development, self-confidence and inner peace according to the principle that everyone has the right to their decisions, their successes and their failures. Working on emotions and showing the potential of another person gives a lot of possibilities. necessary in situations when you need not help in times of crisis.

Private likes? books, music loves cats and humor of Andrzej Poniedzielski and ?p. Maria Czubaszek.                                        

Catherine is heading motto? The key to freedom is the word NO?