Building a personal brand

An authentic image based on a strong foundation, thanks to which you will be more effective, have involved community, it's better to collapse in memory?? your audience or just selling? more.

Building websites

Thanks to cooperation with webmasters, we will create a modern website for you. and responsive pages? or an online store that will be a source of pride, will improve your image and at the same time bring new customers, and your sales will increase. you? will significantly increase.

Coaching and mentoring for lawyers

An offer thanks to which you can create recognizable mark? lawyer, have satisfied customers, get satisfaction from your work, and your knowledge and skills will be appreciated by customers, and you will gain time for your family and your passions.

Business coaching and mentoring

A solution thanks to which you will improve your managerial skills, increase the team's commitment, and learn managerial methods and tools. the process of increasing your skills, the motivation and effects of the team's work will increase

Graphics and corporate identity

Realizing the elements of your brand you need includes always finding the right solution, from idea to execution. A graphic sign, colors, typography, the entire visual identity is something? what does every person building their business and brand need? personal?.


A method that will help you achieve new satisfaction from what you do. Designing your wash? otherwise not? so far, can you match it? to yourself, taking actions thanks to which you will effectively deal with from routines? professional life.

Yoga for business

Yoga will allow you to 100 % more consciously control your body. your breath and your whole body. will you learn? not fighting? with stress, but draw? out of it, stop race? would you think in the HERE AND NOW state. What matters in life? only the moment you breathe, who are you? able to consciously experience.

Career mentoring

Thanks to career monitoring, you will receive support on your way to achieving your professional passion in an atmosphere of acceptance, fun and trust.

Sales mentoring

Based on non-intrusive sales, which results in a situation in which it is not the seller who exerts pressure on the customer, only the customer on the seller, when he realizes how much he needs the products offered.


Based on short-term TSR Solution Focused Therapy. are you concentrating? on achieving your goals without the need to analyze his past and the reasons for his current life situation. on strengths and resources, instead of analyzing deficits and ?sources? different problems in your history.

Career strategy

An ideal solution for people who want to change? industries?? or employer?. We support you in choosing the direction of your professional career, choosing a position or choosing the most appropriate company tailored to you, your talents, competences, skills and values.

FRIS training

It is an advanced, simple and Polish development tool based on cognitive psychology. It accurately describes the natural way of thinking and acting. You get clear instructions on how to make the most of it? their natural predispositions at work, in relationships, in personal development.

Career training

The key to conscious career management, the basis for map to professional success. You will get to know the basket of your most valuable resources. Will you get rid of limit? related to your current beliefs blocking your professional development.

Mental training for network business

Training will make you feel confident myself. You will deal with objections and doubts – yours and those of potential clients and partners. You will determine a specific course of action, consistent with your values. You will feel the inner you?? and you will gain more courage to act.

Mental training for corporations

Thanks to the training you will change your thinking about yourself, you will see how much you can achieve. and what are you for? stand, you will achieve

your goal, you will know your strengths, you will raise your surely?? yourself, will you learn use?

failure as an opportunity, you will learn pod? follow your dreams, even when you sometimes you will stumble.

Mental training with career counseling

Mental Trio, where you get 3 items for the price to change? present wash? and fit? j? to your professional predispositions - consultations with professional counseling, CV audit and mental training.

Personal development training

Thanks to the development process you will get the results you expect, the ability to use of emerging? opportunities, you will broaden your perspective, you will change the daily routine that does not serve you, all based on partnership and respect in cooperation, substantive background, following your current needs .

Accounting services

Do we support you comprehensively? in settling PIT from Polish and foreign income, tax refund from abroad and other accounting issues that occupy Your? him in?.

Public speaking

A solution that will show you how to disenchant stress before public speaking, how to get of them positive energy?, how to prepare step by step? you? to them technically, what should be taken care of, what does in progress and how to finish speech to make everyone talk about it.