Kamila Chowaniak-Wojcik

Certified coach, mental trainer, motivational speaker. 

Entrepreneur with many years of experience. Passionate about personal development. She loves people, books and travelling. 

do you specialize? In mental strength and change coaching.

In his work, he accompanies clients, e.g. In:

  • building their inner strength
  • making good changes in their lives

As she says about herself:

?I believe? that the foundation, foundations? our activities Is strong MENTALwhich is necessary for us to be able to permanently:

  • construction? supportive relationships
  • achieves goals
  • implement? dreams
  • ?y? in a sense of accomplishment?

She is convinced that each of us wants to live on our own terms, in harmony with ourselves, a life in which we have a sense of importance, acceptance and life purpose.

loves the road? following a man, in which this man is the main character.

Motto: ?If you come to terms with your inside, then the outside will take care of itself? put together/ Eckhart Tolle


Coaching - Building self-confidence

Offer, thanks to which you will get to know yourself, like yourself, name your strengths and strengths on the basis of which we will build Your? surely?? self-acceptance, self-esteem and you will take full responsibility?? behind the reins of your life. 

Coaching - Changes

In change coaching, together with a trainer, you will build the entire transition process from point A, where frustration wins, to point B, where success reigns, with a plan, building courage and self-confidence. are you? person who is ready to make significant changes in her lifebut you lack courage, self-confidence?


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