Sandra Ratajczyk-Swed

Hypnotherapist, mental trainer, crisis consultant

? change your thoughts and it will change your life?

Sandra experienced strong, unpleasant emotions in her life. are you struggling? with depression, fears, panic attacks. By? it is a time of doubt, emptiness, regret. today she is happy, healthy optimist? When life put?j? in a difficult life situation, decided to look for solve. When? she was looking for support, and today is helping others. Meet Sandra and her passion. 

She is an economist by education. Sandra quickly understood that the world of numbers is not for her. Thanks to experience, he knows that you can achieve a lot in life. if you overwork past, focus on the present and will consciously begin to create future. He knows that working with the conscious mind alone is not always enough, therefore he also works with the mind. with the subconscious mind. 

Sandra is convinced that if you change your thoughts, habits and beliefs, you will really? fulfilled life. Her huge emotional experience turned into something. good. Thanks to the experiences of today is here and can help those who need it most . At work and in life, I am guided by values such as inspiration, freedom, balance, peace, empathy and humanity. mission? Sandra is to help build? your? better? future in every area of life. Sandra is convinced that the change in ourselves has a huge impact. the power of transformation that brings with it? amazing changes in your reality.

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