Urszula Jowiak

Certified Mental Trainer, Project Manager, Management Manager, Hugging Specialist, Enthusiast and Counselor for living in harmony with yourself.

Ursula is a person positive, which works so that work is an exciting element of her life and not a necessity. What's up? is looking for new, unconventional solutions? to overcome difficulties both in personal and professional life. 


Urszula has twenty years of experience in managing production, quality and and projects optimization and implementation in the pharmaceutical industry. 

He builds project teams through development workshops using elements of mental training. do you specialize? In conducting mental trainings with managers at various stages of career development so that they and their teams are harmonious and effective in achieving the set goals.

He conducts individual mental trainings for people who are on their way to achieving their own goals and dreams. It supports the development of self-confidence, the ability to winning and concentration in pursuit of the goal and achieving life balance in accordance with the full acceptance? myself. 

Passion? Urszula's goal is to work with people by reaching their insides. He appreciates the possibility work directly with the man so that you feel your development ii increases? in the feeling of my own happiness. likes work? with people of different ages, also with children and teenagers, creating a safe space to development. 

Urszula's dream is to create the Friendship Zone as a place to learn about touch, relationships and the value of relaxation in our lives.

Urszula enjoys swimming, walking her dog, picking mushrooms, writing poems, and meeting friends. with friends. 

Supports charity activities people with social problems.
