Reef? Matusiak

He is a husband, father and a happy man who runs his own business.

I am passionate about life, I like changes, because change is movement, and movement is life.

He believes that our thoughts and words create our? reality, that's why it's worth returning comments? what we think about and what we say. So are the beliefs we have. Is it worth changing them? Because they have as? impact on our lives.

I always wish would? happy man, and it turned him towards getting to know yourself. 

Personal development help? Rafael got to know yourself, change your beliefs, habits and thus change your your life.

Rafał's goal is to help and motivate others to change and improve the quality of life, so that everyone can discovers? your potency? and meet mine dreams.

Reef? believes that everything we need is within us and it is worth extracting it? from inside ourselves, and any locks we have are in our heads.

Rafał's dream is to show others that it is possible to change your life. Regardless of age and origin, share you? love? and give? joy to others. She believes that life is a miracle and that's why it's worth doing. a masterpiece out of it.

to start wouldn't it be necessary? great, you have to start to be big?

As Raf's mental coach? wants? your services and share you? share your experience and skills with others who need it. It helps to achieve inner peace and motivates, to strengthen self-confidence,
