Peter Mazur

Educational Kinesiology Therapist, Certified Trainer and Speaker, Experimental Physicist, Teacher

Experimental physicist and educator with many years of experience, in his work he uses ?Brain Gym? ? methods? Dr. Paul Dennison and Gail Dennison.

To paraphrase Einstein's words, he claims that he does not teach his students, but creates conditions for them to learn. teaches?. He learns through experience. 

He's like a Jedi master who seeks power and shows you how to use it.

Piotr is constantly looking for solutions that will make our brain fully use your abilities while learning new skills and acquiring new knowledge. He has been demonstrating them to others for over 10 years. 

Passionate about physics shows, co-creator of the First Night of Scientists. As an employee of AGH in Krakow, he still deals with shows. During scientific expeditions beyond the Arctic Circle to Spitsbergen, he learned you? working in extreme conditions that test the capabilities of one's own body and mind.

likes work? with youth, show them the world from different perspectives. She has experience working with college students, high school students and elementary school youth. Piotr is convinced that everyone can learn you? everything, he just needs to know that he is unique and will achieve everything if he believes in himself and knows what he is aiming for!

Together with the team operating under the brand, creates programs and courses that help in learning, creating habits, dealing with emotions and preparing oneself and loved ones for change. The last months have shown that the changes are necessary and necessary. Being properly prepared for them, knowing your power, we are more likely to succeed and achieve without limits.