Grazyna Gulczynska

Certified Mental Trainer and Mental Trainer for Juniors, Teacher, Athletics Coach, event organizer? sports

Gra?na is a double-certified trainer? mental: adults, children and teenagers. Graduated from the Academy Mental Trainers and Academy? Junior Mental Trainers of Jakub B. Bączek.

He conducts mental trainings for athletes of all ages and for people from outside the sport. She works both individual sessions for children, teenagers and adults, and also conducts group trainings for teams. 

Grażyna has many years of experience in working with children and adolescents. as a teacher, athletics coach and organizer of sports camps. In his pedagogical work, he successfully uses mental training tools to support students in developing their full potential and coping with school challenges. 

He conducts workshops for teachers, trainers and parents on the possibility of using mental training tools not only in the upbringing of the young generation, but also in discovering and developing one's own potential and overcoming personal difficulties. 

Grażyna inspires you to change your habits and make supportive changes in your life to find sense, achieve successes, meet dreams and dreams happier life. loves helping? others. He works with other people with empathy, mindfulness, and with the intention to effectively help in the transformation. 

He is the originator, organizer and long-term director of a large cyclical running event of the Poznanski Biegu im. Father Józef Jo?c. She is proud that the project inspired many people to systematically run for health. She founded and is the president of two non-governmental organizations: a sports club and an association.

Privately, Grażyna is a happy wife. and I have? three adult sons. In life and work, he is guided by rules?, ?if you can about what? dream, then you can do it. Impossible does not exist. 

With her life, continuous development and expansion of her competences, Grażyna constantly proves that for changes, learning and and personal development is never too late. He loves challenges, willingly engages in in the new projects you bring? authentic? worth?? in people's lives.